"JONNA" Coletta born in Rome 29th august 1976. Wild boy, after
to have attended asylum and elementary from the nuns, to the high school
discovers the hard rock with the AC/DC. It makes to grow hats and this
will create it the usual problems that, growing and attending annexed
people & premises, it will exceed once found its habitat. Musically
it begins to play the guitar to 15 years, in 1991. Being the father
given a degree to to the conservatory in classic, concertista guitar
and teaching. Jonna does not begin studying with him, in order to the
interest for the rock break against practiced classic music from the
father; all it is begun with the usual agreements... From endured but,
famous the inheritance of the father: today JONNA it has a good musical
ear and above all, one personal style that the contraddistingue regarding
the greater part of the guitarists in order not to never have taken
in hand a pic!!! JONNA play guitar with nails: using the first finger
like a pic and the fastest dynamics of the alternated picking one with
the nail of the mean; classic plays arpeggios with the customary method.
The first guitar electrical worker, one mrs. guitar, arrives in 1992:
one Gibson "Les Paul" study. On ending of the 1993 one joins
to the group of a its neighbor of house, Marino Raffaele, which it has
given life for band "Re-ciclabili", a cover band of B series
(we were under-age of course!!!ndJONNA). In 1994, after little time,
it currently still takes to life more long-lived its band and in activity:
the JAILBREAK (found them in this same situated one and are also one
here instrumental "played MILLENNIUM SKY" with to Maurizio
Bidoli). With the three JAILBREAK it records demo and a promo, respective
in 1995-' 96-' 97 and 2000. With this band, JONNA sound tens and tens
of concerts making themselves the boneses and becoming a known name
enough in the ambient roman underground. In years 96-97 it then organizes
a small festival to the circle of the artists with the great MINDSCAPE
and KAOTIKA(band post-FINGERNAILS of Maurizio Bidoli and Marco Santoni).
JAILBREAK hosts on the transmission of PAUL MANCINI on best Magic TV
ITALY and between the 10 underground bands Italian second review PSYCHO!
In the 1998 JONNA it comes contacted from ALDO LUIGI MANCUSI in order
to join to him band LORD BRUMMELL, with which it will record two discs
"Ph-Aces" (1999) and "Tango" (2000). After a series
of incomprehensions JONNA the L.B. in order to continue newly with the
JAILBREAK leave that, in the meantime, had been freeze you for a some
time. Always in 1998, JONNA has made part to the Glam-street-rock plan
di Claudio Pucci with Massimo "WARRIOR" Di MUZIO, Marco Lustri
and Gianpaolo Iosca: the band called BANG BANG! In 1999: beyond joining
to the band of cover of formed AC/DC "BAD BOYS BOOGIE" from
the KAOTIKA, JONNA succeeds train Maurizio Bidoli to play in the Jailbreak.
From January 2001 to November 2001 JONNA has lend service like rhythm
guitar in Theatres DES Vampires with name MORTIFER, with which it records
and it publishes album "JUBILAEUM ANNO DRACULA 2001" with
record label BLACKEND. In recent months of the 2002 they are formed
also, band that it is born as tribute to THE CULT that then it will
begin to compose own songs of music originates them hard/heavy in Italian;
in the band there are Alex Giuliani of IV LUNA on drums, Daniele "Pinna"
Amatori from "Solifuge" on the bass, Max RUSSO on the voice
and Daniel "Conan" on Lead Guitar. With Also it comes recorded
demo "AQUILE IN Volo". In the 2003 JONNA one joins also to
the DECADENZA, StreetGothRNR Band. In the same year Maurizio Bidoli
always helps to replace in feet its solo plan ANGUS toing make one's
debut live to December... Stay Tuned!!! |